
We would like to welcome all the teams and supporters for attending, may we wish you all good luck for today and the coming season.

You can find out more about the Club at

or why not follow us on Twitter, @WestWinchJFC

West Winch JFC fully supports the FA RESPECT campaign and copies of our Code of Conduct will be displayed on the day.  Any breach of the Code of Conduct by players, coaches or spectators may result in expulsion of the team or individual from the tournament.

Please place ALL rubbish in the bags provided.

Hotdogs 🌭, burgers 🍔, bacon rolls 🥓, beverages 🥤, crisps 🥨 and sweets 🍬 are on sale at the BBQ and village hall.

Gazebos 🎪 and well-behaved dogs 🐕‍🦺 on leads are welcome but BBQ's are not allowed on the field.  Refreshments are available on-site including from the Social Club, however, we do ask that alcoholic drinks are not consumed and spectators and coaches refrain from smoking around the pitches.

We will complete some Finals and Presentations before all age groups are completed.

🅿️ There are a limited number of car parking spaces as usual on the school field and also on the recreation ground – please follow the signs and marshals for  directions.  Other than that, we ask you to park sensibly on the village roads and not to block entrances to private property.

🚻 Public toilets are located in the village hall.


🛹 West Winch JFC hold no responsibility for anyone using the skateboard park and play area.  Children should be supervised at all times during the tournament.

If you have a problem or are concerned about anything please contact the Registration are where representatives of the Club will assist.

😊 Most important of all - HAVE A GREAT DAY!


All age groups will be competitive and play to a winner.

Match Rules

Any player or club official receiving two bookings during the day or a sending off will take no further part in the tournament.  

Club Code of Conduct

Coaches and officials

Parents and spectators


Main tournament sponsor